Eating Disorders


Eating Disorder describes a psychiatric illness that is characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. The disorder affects the healthy wellbeing of the individual and can often times lead to complex psychological issues.

Eating Disorders is a widespread psychiatric condition that affects genders of all ages and across social strata. Several Hollywood stars and celebrities have suffered from some form of eating disorder and they have only gotten better when they sought help.Eating disorders can relate to inadequate or excessive food intake with the most common forms of eating disorders being Bulimia, Anorexia and Binge Eating Disorders.

Eating Disorders are complex psychiatric disorders, influenced by a range of factors. The exact cause of eating disorders is unknown, but it is generally believed that a combination of biological, psychological, and/or environmental influences contribute to the development of these illnesses.

Treatment for eating disorders follows a managed plan that is comprehensive and professionally guided to guarantee recovery. The complex nature of the condition has caused the development of a full plan that addresses all factors that may contribute to the development and continued sustenance of the illness.


At 2ndArc, our treatment plans addresses the root cause of the individual’s disorder with a view to developing a personalized treatment plan that incorporates medical care and monitoring, nutrition, therapy and medication for a complete care.

We provide medical care to treat any resulting illness that must have arisen as a result of the disorder, our in-house nutritionist design personalised feeding plans to counteract the effects of the disorder just we also provide access to support groups and psychotherapy sessions to ease the process of recovery.

Ours is a full growth and recovery plan. At 2ndArc psychiatric, we are fully equipped to offer the best services for or your loved ones today. Why not make an appointment to discuss your concerns now.